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Her Solace Animatic (Original)

Alayne Goldsworthy, a paranormal sleuth sashaying through her family
tappointed the title of "The Grim Reaper", with which she must investigate various cases involving demons and apparitions in the human world. She partners up with Eliot Robinson, a private investigator, when a curious case on a possible supernatural victim who has answers more to the case than meets the eye.

Sub-genres: Horror, Mystery, Folklore and Mythology 

Unique Selling Point: Visuals will be illustrating the atmospherics and mood of the situations; including the numerous intended Final Cut effects incorporated with the footages. Blending with classic and modern horor (e.g. alternative rpg games) codes and conventions.

Intended Duration Length: Less than 15 minutes

My Target Audience: Focusing on 16 - 34 year olds, ranging from A-D demographic. 

Pitch Presentation

A presentation explaining the contents of my pitch and how I plan to create my short film.

Feedback from Xaal, Alex and Karmen

A video feedback asking a few questions about their opinions on both the draft of the script and the animatic.

Feedback from Karmen

A video feedback asking a few questions about their opinions on the premise of my idea.

Feedback from Alex

Quick video feedback asking a few questions about their opinions on the premise of my idea.

Test Shots During Half Term

During February half term, I took test shots from intended locations using the camera techniques.

Camera Techniques

An experiment completed with classmate to highlight manual focus, shutter and iris to make a scene within a film more clearer and interesting as it will display a variety of engaging colour tone and blend.

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